How to Deal with Difficult People During a Crisis

Kelly Reeves
5 min readApr 13, 2020

…Or at any time

Times are tough. Tensions are high. In the past month, we’ve been sequestered in our homes with our spouses, children, roommates, or completely alone. Other than walking the dog 18 times a day, we don’t have much of an outlet. Gyms are closed. We can’t go to the beach, parks, restaurants, bars, or even get our hair and nails done. We are beginning to suffer from cabin fever in the worst way.

While I’ve seen the best in people during this time, people who have shown exceptional generosity and compassion, I’ve also seen the worst in people- behavior so vile it would make Roseanne Barr look like an angel wearing a Mr. Rogers mask.

I’ve been the target of repugnant prose lately that I can only assume is the result of COVID rage. Some guy called me a “racist” and a “retard” simply because I didn’t like his condescending and insensitive comment to a friend whose mom just passed away 3 weeks ago. Meanwhile, her brother tested positive for coronavirus and is currently in ICU.

Another friend posted a note on Easter praising a federal judge who overruled Louisville, Kentucky, Mayor Greg Fischer’s decision to ban all services, including drive-in church. One follower’s response: “Every one who attends these services should be fined 1000 bucks and the pastors need to be dragged



Kelly Reeves

Expert copywriter with a focus on tech, entrepreneurship, and personal growth; former PR flack. Animal rescuer. Prone to random bouts of rancor.